Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Southbeach Camping

Our first camping trip with Nathan was an experience to say the least. We rolled into Southbeach State Campground on a beautiful rare warm beach day. Nathan enjoyed the details of nature as he examined and tasted all the grass and woodchips within reach. We all enjoyed a lovely evening of sitting by the campfire which Nathan was super jazzed about and amazingly enough he went to bed fairly easily giving ol' Mom and Dad some time to relax.
THEN....the night of no sleep began. For various reasons of course like the tent being too small for us all to be comfortable, frequent waking by all and then it Rained! So already by 4am Drew and I are looking at eachother wondering if the night will ever end. By 6am we were all up, wondering where in the world to set this baby as everything was wet. So it didn't take long to decide to pack it up and out we headed stopping for breakfast at the Piggly Wiggly in downtown Newport. Well...better luck next time. Here are a few photos from the adventure.

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