Friday, May 6, 2011

New Photo Site

Come Join Us...

I'm a little sad to say goodbye to this blog, but time management is a great motivator for change. Come visit us at our new site...

Here it will be easier to get prints and stay connected all in one spot.

Over time I'll be uploading some pictures of the past, many that reside here. That way I can access them to make those precious photo books that I've been wanting for many months! And you can too!

With Love, Nadya

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Boys - April 2011

Tyler 9 wks

Tyler 10 wks

Tyler 8 wks

March Madness

March 21st was officially spring, but around the NW it still feels like winter. With plenty of basketball finals to watch, all this inside time has given new meaning to 'March Madness'.
Nathan has been enjoying his wild, bed jumping, naked time before bed.

Tyler 7 wks

We get outside every dry evening we can for that much needed fresh air.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tyler 5-6 wks

Tyler's 1st bath!

Snowy Morning

Portland had it's big snow event for 2011... on 2-24 we woke to a mere 1" of the pretty white stuff that was gone by noon. Short and sweet, we still enjoyed the winter beauty.

Elmo and Tyler (4 wks) enjoyed the snow from the indoors.

Our single story Snowman was adorned with the usual. But only briefly since Nathan thought the carrot looked better to nibble on. If only he thought that during snack time.

Rhododendron Garden - Feb 2011

On a cold winter day, we were desperate to get out of the house. A walk through Portlands Rhododendron Garden was just what we needed. It was too early for blooms but there were plenty of birds to admire. The wood ducks are always amazing to see and like last winter, the guys made sure to steer clear of the giant scarey geese. Nadya and Tyler were there too but were on the move to keep warm.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sauvies Island - Winter 2011

Our first family outing with Tyler... Sauvies Island beach walk. Only 20 minutes from home, a great choice to get us all some much needed fresh air. Nathan and Drew had great fun throwing sticks along the way and the foggy morning turned into some beautiful vistas as the sky began to clear.

From exuberance to tears... my how quickly things change in a toddlers world.

There's a picture just like this with Nathan in the '08 archive. Too Cute!

Welcome Baby Tyler!

Tyler Knox Burchette
Born: 1/27/11 @ 12:51am
8.1 lbs 20 in

First week home...

Brotherly Love!

Week 2