Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sauvies Island - Winter 2011

Our first family outing with Tyler... Sauvies Island beach walk. Only 20 minutes from home, a great choice to get us all some much needed fresh air. Nathan and Drew had great fun throwing sticks along the way and the foggy morning turned into some beautiful vistas as the sky began to clear.

From exuberance to tears... my how quickly things change in a toddlers world.

There's a picture just like this with Nathan in the '08 archive. Too Cute!

Welcome Baby Tyler!

Tyler Knox Burchette
Born: 1/27/11 @ 12:51am
8.1 lbs 20 in

First week home...

Brotherly Love!

Week 2

Home Play - December 2010

During those long December days, Nathan found all sorts of ways to entertain and explore.

Here he's enjoying his puzzle from Uncle Matt.

Sometimes a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do.
Letting her toddler explore while making a complete mess is just what she needs in order to get dinner prepped.

December 2010

December was a month of enduring duty for the Burchettes. As Drew handled the daily grind at the Tree Lot and his real estate clientel, Mama held down the fort at home taking care of Nathan and maintaining business records. Visiting Daddy at the tree lot were both Nathan and Nadya's favorite evening outings as weather permitted. By months end, Nathan had it figured out... "Daddy go to tree lot - make money - eat candy cane".

Nathan showing his love for music.. especially Dave Mathew's Band. The Live in Central Park concert on DVD is still an obsessive request.

Christmas Eve was celebrated with a few great friends!
Charlotte and Nathan having a friendly pose.

Chrismas Morning Fun!